Friday, May 16, 2014

Reaching Out Persons with Disabilities - Ten Lessons

Parents, grandparents, and children arrive at a hotel for vacation.
Some great information from the ADA for small business. Getting people in the door is just one aspect of expanding markets and providing goods and services to persons living with disability.

"Did you know?

  • More than 50 million Americans with disabilities - 18% of our population - are potential customers for businesses of all types across the United States.
  • This group has $175 billion in discretionary spending power, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. That figure is more than twice the spending power of American teenagers and almost 18 times the spending power of the American "tweens" market.
  • Accessibility attracts not only people with disabilities but also their families and friends. Like others, these customers often visit stores, restaurants, movie theaters, and other businesses accompanied by family or friends. This expands the potential market exponentially!
  • This market is growing fast. By the year 2030, 71.5 million Baby Boomers will be over the age of 65 and demanding products, services, and environments that address their age-related physical changes."

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